The Juba community is mourning the tragic loss of Achan Deng Chol, also known as July Achandit on Facebook, a young woman known for her hard work and bright spirit. Achan’s life was cut short on 9th of February, 2024 when she was accidentally electrocuted in her apartment in Rock City.
Achan was a brilliant woman who defined her path and defied all odds in life. She was admired for her joyfulness and her dedication to commitment when it comes to love, compassion, grace and her determination for patriotism. Her friends and family remember her as a very hard-working young soul who’d want to see her family fly high in the skies, her short lived life is a dedication to.
This sudden loss serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of electrical hazards in Juba. With aging infrastructure and limited access to safety regulations, electrocution remains a serious threat in our city. To honor Achan’s memory and prevent similar tragedies, let us all commit to:
- Regular inspections: Have a qualified electrician inspect your home’s wiring and appliances regularly.
- Grounding: Ensure all outlets and appliances are properly grounded to prevent short circuits.
- Damaged cords: Never use electrical cords that are frayed, cracked, or damaged.
- Water safety: Never touch electrical equipment with wet hands or while standing in water.
- Overloaded outlets: Avoid overloading outlets with multiple appliances.
- Educate others: Share electrical safety tips with your family, friends, and neighbors.
By taking these precautions, we can create a safer Juba for everyone. Achan’s light may be extinguished, but her memory will live on in our commitment to preventing such tragedies.